Wednesday, January 23, 2008

1st trip to Taipei, 25 Dec 2006

Taiepi!! This is my 2nd dream destination after Japan. Yeah... too bad Japan is too costly for me to visit. Maybe a few years down the road, after I have saved enough and even grasp the Japanese language, I can visit my dream country.

Anyway, on my 1st ever overseas trip, I am visiting Taipei and Hong Kong simultaneously, how cool is that. Haha.. I joined my church friend Jessica and her mum for a 4D3N stay in Taipei before we meet up with her brother and friends in HK.

I took Jetstar Asia to Taipei, where I will then meet up with Jessica and mum since I did not take the same tour package with them. It was slightly more costly but this is my chance to travel overseas, I do not care so much for the cost. Hee.. I can always eat little and spend more..

We reached Taipei International Airport around evening, due to delay for the China Airlines flight, which is Jessica's flight. In the end, they arrive at the same time as me. Haha.. The tour guide picked us up from the airport and drive us to our hotel, actually he picked Jess and her mum from T1 while I waited at T2, until we discovered the mistake. Manz.. what a way to start my trip. How exciting.. c",

Since we arrived late, we decided to drop our luggages in our hotel room and head off to Shilin NM for dinner and exploration. The hotel we were staying in is San Tos Hotel, which is like 1 stop away from Shilin NM. So Shilin NM will be our regular eating place throughout our stay in Taipei. I did not manage to take a lot of photos since I did not have a camera at that time, I could only depend on my handphone camera which has very little memory space.Well, the above picture is the only one that I took at the NM. The lady is selling some crab meat in the NM itself. Too bad we already had our dinner at the food center near the NM so we had to pass up on this one. It looks delicious though. Hee..

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