Wednesday, January 23, 2008

SOGO, Omni, MR.J Restuarant & GTV, 26 Dec 2006

Next on the list after Taipei 101 is to find Jay Chou's clothes shop named Omni. Well, why do we want to find his shop? That is because Jess is a fan of his, that's why. So armed with the vague directions from the forumers, we set off to seek this illusive shop.

We took 捷運 to where SOGO is, well, I can't remember which stop is it. There we saw the clock that was shipped from Japan. It was pretty small because we took a while to search for it.. haha... we had in mind a big clock, but it turned out to be a small wall clock.. umz

Anyways, we carried on with our search for that Omni shop and finally we found it, in some deserted alley.
To our dismay, the shop was closed for lunch break. One thing you have to get use in Taipei is that they open their shop around 12nn and so it will depend on our luck if we ever get to go into some places of interests especially shops..

However my friend insisted on waiting so we waited for a few minutes until the shop reopened again. If it is any consolation for me, there is another guy who waited with us too. Seemed like he is another die-hard fan of J Chou and heard of that shop through the other fans. By the way, he is from HK so I couldn't speak Cantonese and could only hear him talking with my friend's mum :( Hee..

After browsing through the items in Omni, we embarked on another adventure to seek out Mr.J restaurant. As you can guess from the name, it is Jay Chou's restaurant. So, after another search through endless deserted alleys, we stumbled upon the restaurant.

We were famished from all the walking, so it was nice to be able to sit down and enjoy a meal. This is how the interior of the restaurant looks like:

The ambiance in the restaurant was great, by my standard and the price of the meals were reasonable. It is a Italian - French cuisine and it was quite delicious.

Lastly, we rushed down to GTV building to wait for a glimpse of 小猪 and 小鬼 because they were having a live show for 娱乐百分百.
Well my friend was in luck because 小鬼 came down after the show and she was able to pass him the file she made for him and even got a picture with him.
For me, 小猪 was in a rush and didn't even come out from the main entrance. How sad :[

Overall, it had been an exciting day for me although I couldn't meet any stars. I wonder what would be in store for us tomorrow....

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